Sunday, February 22, 2009

Capricorn Journey

Okay, I must admit, I do not like drawing in pencil. I don’t care for it because I’ve always associated pencils with those dreadful regional exams in grade school. I also don’t like the lead from the pencil smearing on my fingers.
This project was a huge challenge in many ways. I wanted to recreate some of my dreams from my childhood so I had to choose various images and to arrange them to make a creative composition. I had to work on the drawing in sections. Every time I completed a section, I had to protect it with coverage of paper. I didn’t realize how much concentration and patience that it takes to complete a large drawing piece. While I was drawing, I had to keep in mind not just draw my images but make it look super real like you could just reach inside and grab the teddy bear or grab the ketchup bottle and pour some on your burger. Okay now I being silly, but you get my point!
I have chosen a cityscape because I love the crazy energy of the city. The porcelain turtle on the bottom is me of course. My shell is hard to protect myself and if you try to break it you have a lot of work to do because I don’t brake easily. I am also determined to get across the pumpkins patch to reach my goal. I am pressed for time. That’s why the iron is there to stretch time on my watch.
What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger!

1 comment:

  1. Much easier to look at than that spider picture. Again, crazy-good artwork here. I never thought that drawing such things in pencil would cause your picture to smear. Why not start from the top and work your way from left to right from top to bottom? (Oh wait, you're a human, not a dot-matrix printer...)
