Friday, October 21, 2011

Study of Joie Lee

Pencil 3"x 5"

Study of Joie Lee

Joie Lee is an actor and sister of the director, Spike Lee. She has appeared in several of his movies including, Do the Right Thing, Crooklyn, and Mo’ Better Blues.

Joie is quite similar to Spike in many ways. Spike challenges society’s view through his films. Joie challenges society’s view through her hair style. Why do you ask did i go towards hair instead of her film work?

Well, because Joie sported her natural hair at a time when the majority of black women wore their straight, especially for camera ready. At that time, various natural hair styles was becoming slowly popular. She stood out whether she meant to or not. Natural or straight? Joie sported the less common hair style, natural! I love various hair textures but I wanted to do a study of this actor’s beautiful hair texture.

It stood out…..different, bold. Joie’s hair texture help to create a unique and wonderful positive and negative space for the background. This was a fun portrait to sketch.