Saturday, August 17, 2019

Looking your Sunday best

Customized accessories!

Custom hat and shoe designs for any occasion.

My mom is a member of a ministry at her church called “family and friends” The theme color for their anniversary was pink,  therefore it was time to add pink to her wardrobe.  She purchased a pink hat and she had white shoes that were cute and comfortable. But she wanted to be jazzy, who can blame her, she’s a stylish woman who likes to stand out. She needed customize accessories in a short amount of time, so she asked for my help.  I enthusiastically accepted the challenge. I enjoy the process of problem-solving. It keeps me on my toes and it helps me to think outside the box. So her pink hat went from pretty to  glitter fabulous. Her white shoes transformed into gorgeous shining pink shoes with a jewelry trim.
So for this year‘s anniversary, she was decked out from head to toe in pink. What made her look fabulous was her accessories, but mostly her warm personality.  When she said that I have a gorgeous mom, I couldn’t agree with her more. The smile on her face when she was ready was priceless!

If you have a hat or a pair of shoes that you don’t mind transforming into a custom color and style, contact me at