Monday, August 3, 2015

The Virginia Family Gathering

The Virginia Family Gathering 

12"x16" Acrylics on board

Some of my aunts and uncles, would make frequent trips to The South where they grew up. Sometimes the road trips would happen three or four times a year. When my sister and I found out they were taking a sporadic trip to Virginia, just because, we seize the opportunity and asked to join them. My uncle had a van so their reaction was sure no problem, the more, the merrier. Out of all the cousins, my sis and I were the ones that had the least opportunity to visit relatives in the south.
We had less than two hours to pack for this weekend trip!
The weekend road trip to Virginia was spontaneous and fun! All my life I've been a planner. My plans had plans. I've always had a checklist for everything…… but not this time, NO!
It was amazing to watch my little cousins, who were toddlers at my last visit, suddenly preschool size, as well as cousins who were preschool age were suddenly preteens. Time goes by so quickly.
I was completely relaxed and comfortable during my visit. I caught up with relatives. I had a lot of fun and took pictures.
This sunset was gorgeous!
I applied a painterly technique to the sky. My relatives, in the painting, I kept it highly detailed to emphasize the various conversations between the different groups. Most of the time you could see the uncles a.k.a. "The men folk" gathered in a little cluster standing. My aunts a.k.a. "The women folk", would assemble in small clusters, as well, mainly seating. There's a beautiful moment where one of my cousins is holding his youngest child and his arms after a long day of playing. Another cousin is interacting with her toddler niece while sitting.