Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Wake

Acrylic on paper 18"x24"

Expressing your feelings is difficult especially for an introvert such as myself.
During this time of my life, I lost several family members due to health issues, accidents and murder back to back.
It was one wake after another within a three year period.
My feelings were bottled in as I continued my daily routine in shock. I needed to release or I was going to explode. Maybe I should’ve cried, yelled, or shouted the desire was not in me. 
But I wanted to said good bye to all beloved family members in my own way. So my mourning process began the acrylics and a palette knife. Every stroke, small, large, scratches and blotches of color exploded across the paper. I was in the zone
 My expression of mourning turn out to be the most personal articulation to date.

 I would to paint like this again.....soon!