Saturday, September 5, 2015

Family Reunion

Acrylics on canvas panel 16" x 24"

Family Reunion

 Everyone is enjoying the summer. I have been to a few family gatherings. The majority of the time it takes place in the summer for obvious causes. Children off from school, parents are off from work during the following holidays, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day.

My mom grew up in the south, so she and especially her siblings used any opportunity to visit Grandma. So it was always a good reason to visit down south. 

It is always good to see everyone at the family reunion. Talking and eating, eating and talking. You can't go wrong when you have a fish fry, good food, good music, good conversation, and fold up chairs!

Now I can't get that song out of my head, Family Reunion by the O'Jays. Mmmm,mmm!