Friday, March 24, 2017

The Last Supper

24" x 36" Acrylics on canvas

The Last Supper

I mentioned some time ago on this blog that I enjoyed certain challenges. What in the world was I thinking when I decided to do a remake of the last supper. Presently on display at Mount Hermon Baptist Church Fellowship Hall.

The size was a challenge because I don't think I have a work this large of my life. It was amusing watching my niece’s reaction. She would watch me as I would place together the sketches. Deciding on the placement of each of the characters was challenge because I was afraid to make mistakes. I decided to push fear out by the way! You can't hold on to fear. That's not what Art is about! 
The research was another task to overcome. I love Leonardo DA Vinci's Version of the Last Supper, but I simply wanted to tackle it and use a more humble/rustic scene. I remember asking The late Bishop Jackson for guidance, even with art history knowledge, I wanted to do it right. I asked him about how it was back in the time, his answer was always been how is in the Bible. I took the as a cue as read your Bible, girl!……. LOL. I understood his response because everyone has their interpretation of the environment during the Last Supper with Jesus and his disciples. It was important for me to read and study the Bible. It was up to me to do complete research to illustrate my interpretation of the last supper so I thought...... My little helper, my niece, Jocelyn, really came through. This young lady has the combination of Sunday school knowledge since the age of four. Also, she has been in Catholic school since the first grade. She is extraordinary.

One thing that Leonardo DA Vinci had that I didn't was obviously, a commission to create a mural as a church restoration by his Paton, Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan Italy. I kid you not, I really study years of art history from high school and throughout college. I am surprised that I remembered anything from the classes. 
The materials and supplies came out of my pocket. This was a passion project and I wanted to see it through. I want to see it completed.

The Bishop Jackson was so amazed about the completed painting, he wanted to discuss with the church for possible purchases……