Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Subway Sketch Series

Sketches pen and ink 3"x5" each

Quick sketches of mass transit is never easy especially the NYC subway. On one hand, you want to study what’s in front of you. On the other hand, you don’t want to “draw” attention to yourself. That would be open invite to the weirdos and wackadoos! 

People reading, standing, day dreaming, sleeping, waiting for their stop in the subway cart. Pushing, shoving, shouting and dancing in the subway. No, I am not kidding, dancing!!!! 

I don’t mind free entertainment, but there’s no room for rolling and swinging around like 
Circus Soleil! 

That it! That the second time his foot almost hit my face!! 

If I get hit by these “Yahoos” that’s it…. It’s on like Donkey Kong! 

I’m going to break dance on their heads! 

It’s never a dull moment in NYC Mass Transit……..wait, wait a minute…what the crap is this??? Now someone’s eating their lunch combo special Chinese take out with a side of fried chicken wings dripping on the side of their pants. That’s it, I am not waiting for the rats to join the Circus Soleil troop….I’m outta here!