Friday, February 13, 2015


14" x 14"

  • Self acceptance
  • Self-respect
  • Integrity

The painting was created to celebrate the pride of being a woman of African descent.  Yes, people of African descent skin complexion varies from rosy peach to deep chocolate. The hair textures varies from bone straight to tight coils. All forms are absolutely beautiful. The spotlight for now, is the beauty of dark skin and the Afro. This has been a underrated example of beauty.

The painting was created to be displayed at the Apollo Theater Foundation Exhibition. Several references, later this image was created. I wanted to have a model head up in a profile to show strength and pride in beauty of her hair and physical features. The afrocentric scarf wrapped around her head as a headband to create a contrast next to her smooth complexion.

The painting, “Pride” illustrates a feeling of happiness that comes from achieving self acceptance there is a sense of pride in her face from high self-esteem. She loves and except herself therefore she's able to love others and except others.

This pride represents the boldness of truly being yourself!